+237 697 424 883

Total Projects Worldwide

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Our extensive network, in Canada and Africa, allows you to easily manage your ambitions to match your dreams.

The economic stakes of the day, today more that yesterday, impose on African States the transformation of their raw materials and call for investment in sectors essential to their economic development, and social. In this Pont-Bridge plays a major role, in interaction with North American governments and companies whose expertise and know-how are references in the field of construction, mining, agri-food and advanced technologies. Afterlife its active participation in its activities intermediation between government agencies, ministerial offices and local governments, PONT-BRIDGE provides its clients with legal-legal assistance ongoing throughout the their project in Cameroon.

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Facilitation and support for business and partnership development

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Always available to listen to you and accompany you.

434 Sadar Private Ottawa, ONTARIO K2J 0C8 Canada
+1 343 204 4047 / +237 697 424 883
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